Edible Book Festival

On Tuesday April 9th, we had our Edible Book Festival for our Honors Seminar, The Book Beautiful. It was really a lot of fun, and as one of the two hosts, I really enjoyed the time I got to put in to make this event special. Our theme for the event was CMYK.

As a whole class, we worked on making the invitations, a few students worked on the design while the rest of us worked on cutting paper for the invitation.


The next step was to come up with a book that I was going to try and recreate with food. I decided to do the tale called The Three Feathers from the Grimm brother’s Children’s Stories and Household Tales. I thought it fit well, especially since it is the book that I have been studying all semester.

To fit the theme of the tale, I decided that I wanted to make a ground where underneath the grass I could put a toad. To do this I looked up how to make sugar glass, that way the toad could be viewed below the grass.

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Here I am stirring the sugar mixture that would then harden and cool into the sugar glass that I need for my book.

For the toads, I made sugar cookies. To make them fit with the story, I decided to triple layer them and fill their insides with treats and surprises like pudding and sprinkles. In the tale, the toads gave the youngest brother the treasures that he needed to fulfill the tasks given by his father. So I wanted my toads to be filled with treasures that people would find as they ate the cookies.

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Then finally for the ground part, I made monkey bread. I cut out the middle of the monkey bread in order to have enough room for a toad and covered that part with the sugar glass that I made.

This was my final product!



The other students had punny and stunning books as well! It was obvious that everyone put time and effort into their books. The event was fun and the atmosphere was made with nice piano music playing in the background was we drank tea and indulged ourselves on the many tasty books that had been made.


And here I am dressed for our theme!